domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

como se hace un pozo

HAND DIGGING A WELL IN MEXICO Excavando a mano un pozo
HAND DIGGING A WELL IN MEXICO Excavando a mano un pozo

como se hace un pozo

HAND DIGGING A WELL IN MEXICO Excavando a mano un pozo

Descripcion del Video
Hand digging a well in Mexico the temperatures approaching 100 degrees f. 38 Entering the earth looking for fresh water seems timeless in the human quest for survival. The well provided water at 4 meters 13 feet) . 1500 gallons of fresh water (5676 liters) which replenishes itself in a few hours. At 2 meters a piece of a pot was uncovered. At 3 meters rocks with veins of what appears to be some metal was excavated. Excavando un pozo en Puertecito, Oaxaca, Mexico "a mano" (sin maquinaria) con temperaturas acercando 100 grados f./38 c. Entrando a la tierra en una búsqueda de agua dulce parece una búsqueda eterna de supervivencia. El pozo rindió agua a los 4 metros/13 pies. 1500 galones de agua dulce (5676 litros) que se rellena a si mismo en unas pocas horas. A los metros, un fragmento de una olla A los 3 metros rocas con venas de lo que parece ser de un metal.


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como se hace un pozo ciego segunda parte 053.avi

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hacer pozo a mano para riego ( mantenimientospapaseit ) parte 2

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segunda parte de como hacer un pozo a mano

Comentarios de los Videos como se hace un pozo

first of all : thank you? for sharing , second kindly would you be so friendly and tell me how far from the shore and what is the salinity of the water in the well , thank you for your reply in advance
forgot to ask : have you had any land slides and what is the? type of soil thank you again
about 50 meters from shore. water is drinkable, soil came in layers, sand rock stone clay, found some? clay relics.
we had no landslides but I must admit that once we got into the digging I was real? relieved when everyone was out of the hole.
how long? did it take to dig
21 days between 3 and 4 workers? each day
Their knowledge and skill has been crucial for centuries. We may need it? again on a wider scale soon enough.
Mexicans, the? hardest working humans ever. Thumbs up.
Smacking rock without safty of any kind...
And other? kid lookin at lmfao.
Que buen trabajo! Saludos a los? hermanos Mexicanos desde Montevideo!
And people? say mexican lace. Please, good job.
wow.. I'm tired just to? look at them.
J Clarkson and R Hammond should watch this video? and then we see what they have to say.....
esto es ? MEXICO
que velocidad!?
Changes my whole perception of the phrase "It's? colder than a well digger's ass."
Esa Tierra Qe Botan Al Fondo De Del Poso? Puede Tener Oro Cateenle ..

A los huesos. Les digo que no se hierve. Jugo no deben aplicarse a los hidratos de acción antioxidante.

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